Information about me, the creator of the Brian d’Arcy James .info website.
Disclaimer: This site is not associated with Brain d’Arcy James or his representatives in any way.
Who am I?
Big question!
Who I am isn’t important but for the sake of not being completely anonymous my name is Thomas (not Nostradamus) and I’m from Northern Ireland. I’ve got a pretty good view of the Mourne Mountains from my house.
Why did I even make this site?
It’s the site I wish existed when I found out who Brian d’Arcy James* is and wanted to find more of his work. I searched in all the usual places – Wikipedia, YouTube, IMDb, IBDB, his official site, you name it – and it was a really fun rabbit hole, but I would have loved to find a page or site that listed all his studio recordings, TV & film work, and all the rest, with links to the actual work so that I didn’t have to do all the random searching, and then not know if I’d found everything.
That site didn’t exist, so I made it.
It’s not (and won’t be) a comprehensive collection of everything, but it’s a good starting point for your own Brian d’Arcy James rabbit hole.
I hope you find it useful.
I’ve tried my best to credit the source of everything I drew from while making it. If I have mis-credited something or you wish me to remove something you own from the site, or spot a typo or broken link, or you just want to say hello, please email me.
*To my great disappointment I only truly found his work around August 2024 when I watched the pro-shot of Shrek The Musical and it hit me in a deep and unexpected way. I watched Smash and Spotlight (famously non-singing roles) when they first came out but for me the BDJ penny didn’t drop until now. And while it’s been a fun ride fast-tracking a decades long career in a few months, I wish I’d been on board sooner.
In no particular order:
I’ll make it clear one more time: